OpenStack Networking Tutorial at ONUG 2015

by Kyle Mestery With a theme of “Operationalizing Open Networking,” the ONUG Spring 2015 conference is giving voice not only to the technologies enabling open networking, but also to the operational aspects of running these networks. This is encouraging because it means we’ve reached the point where open networking is being used in production. If you look at the Open Source networking stack, you can see the pieces are all there to run a full-fledged open networking stack for production systems:

White Box Is So Much More Than CapEx Reduction!

by Rob Sherwood If there’s only one message you take from my ONUG white box tutorial, it’s this: reducing capital expenditures (CapEx) is not the only reason to move to white box, branded white box (“brite box”) or disaggregated open networking switches and routers. All of these terms translate into one thing: switches that enable you to buy the hardware separately from the software.

2015: Year of the Sheep, Network Virtualization, Overlays and Docker

by Srini Seetharaman The prevalent migration of application delivery from legacy compute clusters to cloud generates relentless pressure on networking staff for new application needs and push for agility, without a corresponding growth in budget. There is also a stigma of the networking team as being part of the cost-center of the organization. On the other hand, the compute and application IT teams rejoice in being part of the revenue-center of the organization. They talk about “Docker”, “Chef”, “Puppet”, “Salt”, “Ansible”, “Nginx”, “Kubernetes”, “Hadoop”, “Storm”…

IT Organizational Design is Key to Economic Growth

by Nick Lippis In Global 2000 companies, IT has organized primarily around silos of technologies. There are different silos: the network, storage, application, server/host, virtualization, security groups and more. This model became popular in the mid 1980s when mainframe computing gave way to mini- and personal computers. Remember Apple’s 1984 Superbowl commercial? Big brother wasn’t just IBM; it was the IT organizational model that created huge barriers of entry for new IT products and ideas from enterprise corporations. But as the mainframe market disaggregated and the IT…